Spider Traps in Florida

Q: Will spider traps be effective against large spiders?

I recently moved into a house in Orlando, Florida that has HUGE spiders in the house. These spiders (I have seen three inside the house so far) are as big as the palm of my hand (I am an average-sized woman, I wear size 8 gloves).
Will this spider trap be effective against spiders of this large size?

S Cross from Orlando, FL

A: Traps Direct Spider Traps are ideal for large spiders

YES, Traps Direct Spider Traps are ideal for both large and small spiders. With more sticky surface area than standard insect monitors, these spider traps have a a super sticky glue on the all 4 sides of the trap. Preventing spiders from crawling along the walls or ceiling of the trap.

The sticky spider glue has even captured small snakes and salamanders.